Nynorsk Clearspeak Direct speech attributes. Locale: nn, Style: Verbose.

0 AC AC lineAC line
1x˙=σ(yx)derivative of x is equal to sigma times left parenthesis y minus x right parenthesisderivative of x is equal to sigma ganger left parenthesis y minus x right parenthesis
2 AC A C under lineA C under line
3 AC AC lineAC line
4 AC A C under lineA C under line
5 AC AC lineAC line
6my glyphmy glyph
7your glyphyour glyph
8my glyphmy glyph
9your glyphyour glyph
10my glyphmy glyph
11your glyphyour glyph
12my glyphmy glyph
13your glyphyour glyph
14my glyphmy glyph
15your glyphyour glyph
16+=23braid plus 132braid equals 13braid23braid pluss 132braid er lik 13braid
17NM1N M sub 1 subset of mfinN M indeks 1 subsett av mfin

Nynorsk Mathspeak Direct speech attributes. Locale: nn, Style: Verbose.

0 AC ModifyingAbove upper A upper C With lineModifiserOver stor bokstav A stor bokstav C Med line
1x˙=σ(yx)derivative of x is equal to sigma left parenthesis y minus x right parenthesisderivative of x is equal to sigma left parenthesis y minus x right parenthesis
2 AC A C under lineA C under line
3 AC ModifyingAbove upper A upper C With lineModifiserOver stor bokstav A stor bokstav C Med line
4 AC A C under lineA C under line
5 AC ModifyingAbove upper A upper C With lineModifiserOver stor bokstav A stor bokstav C Med line
6my glyphmy glyph
7your glyphyour glyph
8my glyphmy glyph
9your glyphyour glyph
10my glyphmy glyph
11your glyphyour glyph
12my glyphmy glyph
13your glyphyour glyph
14my glyphmy glyph
15your glyphyour glyph
16+=23braid plus 132braid equals 13braid23braid pluss 132braid er lik 13braid
17NM1upper N upper M Subscript 1 subset of mfinstor bokstav N stor bokstav M Subskript 1 subsett av mfin