Part 2: Symbols

Multiplication Symbol

Preference Name: MultsymbolX

Preference Value Identifier Example Speech
Auto X001 6×8 6 times 8
Auto X002 m×n M times n
Auto X003 3×3 3 times 3
By X004 6×8 6 by 8
By X005 m×n M by n
By X006 3×3 3 by 3
Cross X007 u×v u cross v

Multiplication Symbol

Preference Name: MultsymbolDot

Preference Value Identifier Example Speech
Auto Dot001 68 6 times 8
Auto Dot002 mn M times n
Auto Dot003 33 3 times 3
Dot Dot004 68 6 dot 8
Dot Dot005 mn M dot n
Dot Dot006 33 3 dot 3

Triangle Symbol

Preference Name:TriangleSymbol

Preference Value Identifier Example Speech
Auto Triangle001 ΔABC triangle ABC
Auto Triangle002 ΔDEF triangle DEF
Delta Triangle003 Δx delta x
Delta Triangle004 f( x+Δx ) F of, open paren, x plus delta x, close paren


Preference Name: Ellipses

Preference Value Identifier Example Speech
Auto Ellipses001 1,2,3, 1 comma 2 comma 3 comma dot dot dot
Auto Ellipses002 1,2,3,,20 1 comma 2 comma, 3,comma dot dot dot comma 20
Auto Ellipses003 ,2,1,0,1,2, Dot dot dot comma negative 2,comma negative 1 comma 0 comma 1 comma 2 comma dot dot dot
AndSoOn Ellipses004 1,2,3, 1 comma 2 comma 3 , and so on
AndSoOn Ellipses005 1,2,3,,20 1 comma 2 comma 3 comma and so on up to 20
AndSoOn Ellipses006 ,2,1,0,1,2, Dot dot dot negative 2,comma negative 1 comma 0 comma 1 comma 2 comma dot dot dot

Vertical Line

Preference Name: VerticalLine

Preference Value Identifier Example Speech
Auto VertLine001 3|6 3 divides 6
Auto VertLine002 { x|x>0 } The set of all x such that x is greater than 0
Auto VertLine003 { x|| x |>2 } The set of x such that the absolute value of x is greater than 2
Auto VertLine004 f( x ) | x=5 f of x evaluated at x = 5
Auto VertLine005 x 2 +2x | x=2 X squared plus 2x, evaluated at x = 2
Auto VertLine006 x 2 +x | 0 1 x squared plus x evaluated at 1 minus the same expression evaluated at 0
SuchThat VertLine007 { x|x>0 } The set of all x such that x is greater than 0
Divides VertLine008 3|6 3 divides 6
Given VertLine009 P( A|B )

P of, open paren, A given B, close paren

(To get this speech a space was inserted after P and exact speech “of” was entered there.)

Set Membership Symbols

Preference: SetMemberSymbol

Preference Value Identifier Example Speech
Auto MembSym001 If  x  then 2x  is an even number. If x is a member of the integers then 2x is an even number.
Auto MembSym002 {x|x>5} The set of all x in the integers such that x is greater than 5
Auto MembSym003 3+2i 3 plus 2i is not a member of the real numbers
Member MembSym004 If  x  then 2x  is an even number. If x is a member of the integers then 2x is an even number.
Member MembSym005 {x|x>5} The set of all x member of the integers such that x is greater than 5
Member MembSym006 3+2i 3 plus 2i is not a member of the real numbers
Element MembSym007 If  x  then 2x  is an even number. If x is an element of the integers then 2x is an even number
Element MembSym008 {x|x>5} The set of all x element of the integers such that x is greater than 5
Element MembSym009 3+2i 3 plus 2i is not an element of the real numbers
Belongs MembSym010 x If x belongs to the integers then 2x is an even number
Belongs MembSym011 {x|x>5} The set of all x belonging to the integers such that x is greater than 5
Belongs MembSym012 3+2i 3 plus 2i does not belong to the real numbers
Belongs MembSym013 If  x  then 2x  is an even number. If x belongs to the integers then 2x is an even number
Belongs MembSym014 {x|x>5} The set of all x belonging to the integers such that x is greater than 5
Belongs MembSym015 3+2i 3 plus 2i does not belong to the real numbers

Two preferences set: One for Sets and one for SetMemberSymbol

Preference Value Identifier Example Speech
Sets "woall" and SetMemberSymbol "belongs" SetMemb001 {x:2<x<7} The set of x belonging to the integers such that 2 is less than x is less than 7.
Sets "woall" and SetMemberSymbol "member" SetMemb002 {x|x>5} The set of x member of the integers such that x is greater than 5

Sums, Products, Unions, Intersections, and Integrals

There is no speech preference for these symbols. Therefore there is no preference file for the rule. (i.e., there is no .eqp file for named sets.)

Identifier Example Speech
Sum001 n=1 10 n The sum from n = 1 to 10 of n
Sum002 n=1 n The sum from n=1 to infinity of n
Sum003 i + i The sum over I is a member of the positive integers, of i
Sum004 S i The sum over S, of I
Sum005 a i The sum of, a sub I
Sum006 i=1 10 i The product from i=1 to 10 of i
Sum007 i + i i+1 The product over I is a member of the positive integers of the fraction with numerator 1 and denominator i+1
Sum008 + i i+1 The product over the positive integers of the fraction with numerator 1 and denominator i+1
Sum009 a i The product of, a sub i
Sum010 i=1 10 S i The intersection from i=1 to 10 of S sub i
Sum011 i=1 10 S i The union from i=1 to 10 of S sub i
Sum012 S i The intersection of S sub i
Sum013 S i The union of. S sub i
Sum014 C S i The intersection over C of S sub i
Sum015 C S i The union over C of S sub i
Sum016 f( x ) dx The integral of f of x dx
Sum017 0 1 f( x ) dx The integral from 0 to 1 of f of x dx
Sum018 f( x ) dx The integral over the real numbers of f of x dx